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Returns, Exchanges & Cancellations

If you are not 100% happy with your new product, whether the product is faulty or damaged we can help you out:

  • Exchanging or Returning a Faulty Product
    If your product is faulty and does not work as specified, please contact us as quickly as you can. We will talk through the manufacturers guidance and their trouble shooting guides for your appliance. In these discussions we can normally decide what the issue is and then decide how to proceed. You have fourteen days from purchase to notify us of the issue and if your intention is to exchange/return the item, please allow us to do the trouble shooting as this normally rectifies many of the common faults. Please phone us as soon as possible and we will log the issue and give you a job - number. We may need to arrange a qualified engineer to inspect the appliance to confirm the fault, they would then talk through the options that they have available, please notify us of the outcome. If you would still like to exchange/return the item after the engineers visit both parties will then have a further 14 days to arrange the exchange/return of the faulty appliance, however we will always try to do this much quicker.
  • Returning or Replacing a Damaged Product
    We apologise if you have received a damaged product. Please contact our store with a description of the damage and any information on the driver who delivered it to you, to discuss replacing or refunding you your damaged product. Please notify us of any damage within twenty four hours as there after it will be deemed as though you have accepted the goods, we always ask that everyone checks their appliance on delivery and with the delivery driver still present. Our drivers take a photo of the unboxed item so therefore inspecting the appliance when they deliver it to you, they are trained to discuss any defects that they may find and agree to discount/repair/return or accept the goods as they are.
  • Returning an Unwanted Product
    If you have changed your mind about a purchase, we will refund you in full for any unused appliances within 14 days of purchase. However, if you have used or installed the product, we will not be able to offer you a refund for this reason as they are deemed to be used. Please phone us as soon as possible and we will log the issue and give you a job number to track your case. You then have another fourteen days to return the product back to us at your own costs for return, it must be in an unused condition and be re-packaged to avoid any damage in transit. Costs for return varies with each item and the courier you use, so it is dealt with on a case by case basis. If you cannot arrange the return yourself, please contact our helpline and we will endeavour to assist you with the return. We will issue you a full refund as a credit note to be used on any further purchase’s within Genesis Home Appliances and it is valid for a six month period from the date of issue. Please contact us to discuss your options as we may be able to rectify some of the issues that you may have.
  • Cancellation of Orders
    Occasionally, there may be inaccurate information on our site (e.g. the price, description or availability of a product that you have ordered). When this happens, we may have to cancel your order, even if you have received your Order Confirmation email, and you will receive a full refund of any charges already paid. At all times we will phone or email you to discuss and decide on the best course of action for you.